Animal Welfare Project

Animal Welfare Project

Our interventions support improving the livelihoods, peace, and better practices for pastoralists and rural communities, in complex emergencies in Northern Kenya and Somalia.

The communities we support have been reliant on working animals, and with the lack of access to clean and safe water supplies, many are starting to feel the adverse effects of the droughts. We believe that the welfare of working animals should be a much higher priority for governments and international development organizations and we envision the change, more needs to be done to support and empower the communities to protect animal welfare and build their resilience to climate shocks.

Through the assessment that GIRD has already done in Wajir county, a lot of donkey welfares issues have been identified, lack of treatment for donkeys, poor harnessing, overloading, and overworking of donkeys are some of the prevailing issues, GIRD together with Sabuli wildlife conservancy has carried out work in the treatment of the donkeys in Sabuli sub-county in Wajir county in September 2020.

Our partners are from all over the world